Soldados camaronenses na I Guerra (imagem New York Times, Co. - Library of Congress, Serials and Government Publications Division) |
«The Great War Africa Association and The International Network for the Study of the Great War in Africa are combining to host the 2014 conference on 14 and 15 July in Lisbon.
In recognition of the growing interest in the African theatres of the War, an interest which has spread across the globe and into various fields of study, the two organisations focusing on the Great War in Africa are continuing to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and information on the campaigns in Africa.
The conference aims at bringing together interested persons, both amateur and professional, to share and extend their knowledge of the war in Africa. The proceedings of the conference will be published.
In particular, contributions will be sought from those working on:
-Military, political, social, economic or cultural themes around the campaigns
-The dispute of empires including the mobilisation and strategy of the European powers towards the war in Africa
-Heritage, including archival, archaeological, documentary and family history
-The impact of the campaign or aspects thereof, including representations of the campaign through time, memory studies, re-enactment, literature and film»
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